Journal of Economic and Social Researches
Ekonomi ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 
ISSN: 2148-1407      e-ISSN: 2651-3250 


Guide for Authors

Author for Guidelines

Information for Authors

1.The Journal of Economic and Social Researches is an international refereed journal published 2 issues per year. Additional numbers can be edited if necessary.

2.Manuscripts submitted for publication in the Journal of Economic and Social Researches should not be published before. Every article written in the field of management and social sciences, translation, interviews and promotional articles are included. Congress proceedings and conference proceedings are accepted provided that they are not published.

3.Articles should be sent to

4.The written language of the journal is Turkish and English.

5.Abstracts of at least 100 and 200 words should be added to the headings of the articles submitted in the journal and the title and keywords should be added in the languages in which the abstracts are written. For abstracts written in Turkish, English abstracts should be added in addition to the Turkish abstract, and for abstracts written in English, Turkish abstracts should be included.

6.Authors’ names, institution information and e-mail addresses of the authors should be clearly and accurately stated in the articles.

7.The articles submitted by the authors are reviewed by the Editorial Board and, if deemed appropriate in terms of scientific criteria and journal writing rules, author names are removed from the text and sent to the referees. In case the corrections are requested in the referee’s report, the author can only make changes within the framework of the specified corrections. If the referee’s report is negative, it is sent to a third referee for review. Unpublished articles are not returned to the author. The author is informed about the situation.

8.If the articles are accepted for publication, all publication rights belong to the Journal of Economic and Social Researches. Authors are deemed to have transferred their copyrights to the Journal of Economic and Social Researches. The opinions put forward in the articles published in the journal belong to their authors. The author takes legal, economic and ethical responsibilities.

9.At the end of the article, references should be made according to APA style. The bibliography should be arranged alphabetically according to the surnames of the authors, with no spaces from the carriage return.

Article Writing Rules

1.The whole title should be in capital letters, Calibri, 14 pt. Author’s name should be written in lower case and surname in capital letters.

2.The abstract should include Turkish and English abstracts and key words. The abstract should emphasize all important points of the article and should not exceed 150 words.

3.References in the text should be indicated in brackets as name, year of publication and page number. Example: (Daft, 2007: 619).

4.The text should be Calibri and the text should be written in 11 pt, 1 line spacing. Between the words, one letter space should be left after the periods and commas.

5.References should be written at the end of the text in the references section in 11 pt. References should be listed according to the date of publication if an author has more than one publication.

Paper Size: A4 Vertical (Horizontal pages should not be included in the article).

Font: Calibri, 11 points with 1 line spacing. There should be a letter space left after period and comma marks.

Margins: All Edges (Right, left, top, bottom) should be 2.5 cm.

Paragraph margins: First 0 nk than 6 nk.

Paragraph indent: none

References showing: The references used in paper should be specified in the text according to APA styl

Full text paper writing rules

Font: Calibri, 11 points with 1 line spacing. There should be a letter space left after period and comma marks.

Margins: All Edges (Right, left, top, bottom) should be 2.5 cm.

Paragraph margins: First 0 nk than 6 nk.

Paragraph indent: none

References showing: The resources used in paper, should be specified in the text  according to APA style.

Examples of showing in text references according to APA style.

Single author: (Karaoğlu, 2004: 15)

Two author: (Karaoğlu, Yılmazçelik, 2011: 10)

Three authors: (Bradley et al., 2010: 45)

Examples of showing bibliography according to APA style.

Bibliography For The Journal

Kirkman, B. L. & Rosen, B. (1999). Beyond Self-Management: Antecedents and    Consequences of Team Empowerment. Academy of Management Journal, 42, 58-74.

Bibliography for theses:

Yellow, E. (2008). Culture Identity and Politics: Interculturalism in Mardin. (Unpublished    doctoral thesis). Ankara University, Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.

Bibliography for Books:

Şimşek, M. Ş., Akgemci, T. and Çelik, A. (2001). Behavioral sciences and behaviors of    organizations, Nobel Publishing Distribution, 2nd Edition, Ankara.

Daft, R. L., and Marcic, D. (2016). Understand management. Nelson Training.

Bibliography for Internet Sources:

Internet address, (date of access)

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